Monday, October 18, 2010

Demo Available!


I'd like to say sorry for not posting for a while. Other busy from polishing certain parts of the game, I'm also handling a couple of client based projects and my portfolio.

Just for the record, the demo contains an opening video cutscene. Upon making it, I realized that there should probably only be one cutscene per release, since it took me 1 to 2 weeks for production, post prod and editing. It was quite tedious. And small mistakes can be very vexing, as I would need to re-render a huge chunk of it again if I only saw them past render stages.

I'm going to be honest though, the progress of Vol1 itself hasn't moved up that much. I concentrated in further improving the plot of the game while it's still early, rather than banging my head on a wall when I realize that there's an annoying plothole in the long run.

But now that the video and demo is finally done. I could start devoting time to the game's progress again :)